Welcome to the XXXVIII edition of NTOS!

The XXXVIII Edition of the Conference "New Trends in Organic Synthesis" will take place on Monday, November 25th, 2024, at the Sala Napoleonica of the historic Brera Academy (Accademia di Belle Arti), courtesy partnerships with the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, also located in the Brera district. The Pinacoteca di Brera, the Botanical Garden and the Brera Astronomical Observatory are also located in the same building.

This one-day historical Symposium, co-organized by the Lombardia Section of the Italian Chemical Society, maintains its original inspiring principles and continues its dedication to basic and applied organic synthesis. Aiming to bring together key players from Industry, University, and CNR, the meeting's goals are to share and listen, as well as to compare and discuss relevant topics and advanced strategies where organic chemistry demonstrates its societal benefits. With a selection of interdisciplinary and state-of-the-art topics presented by speakers with a wide range of expertise from academia, CNR, and industry, the significance of organic synthesis and its profound impact on contemporary life will be highlighted

The conference is open to early-career and established scientists, undergraduate and post-graduate students, and industrial researchers in the field of organic synthesis. This year's themes include molecular, macromolecular and organometallic approaches to prepare energy harvesting systems suited for high tech applications and devices, reactive intermediates in drug discovery and Challenges in contemporary organic chemistry.

The Interdivisional Group of Catalysis (GIC) will award prizes to undergraduate students, who will have the opportunity to present their research. PhD and Post-Doc students are encouraged to present their research through poster communications. The Organizing Committee will award two books for the best posters. For further information and registration details, please visit the dedicated section or contact the organizing committee.

During the congress, the Olon Group will set up a Human Resources desk to collect the curricula vitae of participants interested in submitting their applications to the company. An HR representative will be available to address any inquiries.

This year, the University of Milan commemorates its centenary, having been officially established in 1924 following a comprehensive planning process that began in 1923 under Luigi Mangiagalli, the founder and first Rector. That same year, the Rector commissioned Professor Livio Cambi to create the degree course in Industrial Chemistry. Consequently, 2024 also marks the centenary of Industrial Chemistry in Milan.