Registration should be done with this on-line form or sending the filled application form via e-mail no later than November 18th, 2019.
At the registration please specify if you intend to bring a poster.
The fee is € 100,00 for members of the SCI, € 130,00 for non-members, € 50,00 for PhDs and Post Docs; undergraduate students are wellcome to participate for free prior registration as previously described. The fee include coffee and lunch breaks and conference book.
Registratin fees can be corresponded::
- at the conference registration desk on November 25th.
- (preferred) bank transfer to: Soc. Chimica Italiana – Sez. Lomb.;
BANCA PROSSIMA S.P.A., filiale 01600 di MILANO
IBAN IT21L0335901600100000131821
(Reason for payment: “Sintesi_participant surname")
Note: please send copy of the bank receipt to: segreteria_gs@unimi.it
For information and registrationis refer to Dr. Alberto Bossi SCITEC-CNR, Via Fantoli 16/15 - 20138 Milano Tel. 02 509 95627 - Fax 02 50995628.
Venue and Indications
Università degli Studi di Milano, Aula Crociera Alta.
Via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122 Milan
Underground line 2 (yellow line) Missori;
Tram n. 12, 19, 24, 27; Bus n. 61.1.
cllick to zoom
Furhter indications and planning on ’ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi) or with the freel'APP for smartphone.
The XXXIV Edition of the New Trends in Organic Synthesis Conferencewill be held on Monday November 25th, 2019.
This long-standing, one daysymposium preserves the original inspiring principles and confirms its focus on the field of basic and applied organic synthesis. Aiming to convene the key-players from Universities, CNR and private industries, the meeting will enable them to share and listen, and to compare and discuss with their peers about relevant topics and advanced strategies where organic chemistry shows its societal benefits.
By listening a selection of interdisciplinary and cutting-edgetopics brought by speakers with a broad range of competences from both the academic and industrial sectors, the importance of organic synthesis, and its strong implication in today’s life will be the focus of the Conference.
This year’s the Conference themes include organometallic and supramolecular systems for biomedical and optoelectronic applications, and new carbonaceous materials applied to heterogeneous catalysis. The Interdivisional Group of Catalysis (GIC) of the Società Chimica Italiana will award two prizes to undergraduate students; the awardees will be invited to shortly present the results obtained in their research.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Mendeleev Periodic Table (IYPT) this year the Conference will be held in the prestigious downtown historical site of University of Milan, in via Festa del Perdono, Aula Crociera Alta.
PhD students and Post Docs are kindly invited to present their research as poster communications. The Organizing Committee will award two books to the best two posters.