GIC Awards

GIC Awards 2023


The Interdivisional Group of Catalysis (GIC) of the Società Chimica Italiana will award two prizes to chemistry graduates (who obtained their degree between November 2022 and November 2023) whose research activity focused on the application of catalytic methodologies to organic synthesis.

The awardees will receive a personalized plate and will be invited to shortly present the results. Candidates should send the following documents via email to Dr. Rinaldo Psaro:

  • A short abstract of their undergraduate dissertation (max. 4 pages including title and references; font: Times or Arial; size: 11; line spacing: 1.5 or more, margins: 2 cm or more).
  • A recommendation letter of their supervisor.
  • A CV.

The submission deadline is November 10th, 2023

GIC Awards 2022 - Winners TBA soon!